Finding a partner for your
collaborative project is easy,
because I will do this for you!

Segment 1, Project 3.08 - When you finish the Module 2 exam, please email me to indicate that you are ready to be placed with a partner. Soon after, you will receive an email with your partner's name. Once you recieve this email, you may being working with your partner!

Segment 2, Project 6.06 - When you finish the Module 5 exam, please email me to indicate that you are ready to be placed with a partner. Soon after, you will receive an email with your partner's name. Once you recieve this email, you may being working with your partner!

Tips for working with your partner:

Get to know each other: Discuss hobbies, favorite music, how many brothers and sisters you have, what part of Florida you live in, what other classes you have, last good movie you saw, favorite book or types of books, etc. There are tons of things you can share to get to know the other person.

Establish a work schedule: What days will you be available to work on this project? Are mornings or afternoons better for you? How do you want to communicate (via phone, email, chatroom, etc).

Discuss, Research, Share, Create:Working with another student virtually can be difficult because you are not face to face. A good strategy for working efficiently is to DISCUSS the assignment requirements and decide upon a research path. Then, complete your RESEARCH. Each partner could research a different topic then work together to SHARE the information that was gathered. Finally, you and your partner will CREATE your final product to be submitted to your teacher.

Note: Your final products do not have to look exactly the same. If one of you really likes to make webpages and one of you really wants to create a powerpoint, then by all means you can complete your final project with your own individual flare. The most important part of this project is that your share your ideas and skills with another student as you research your topics not that you create carbon copy reports.

Single Student Option

Certain circumstances and scheduling conflicts can make it difficult for some students to complete this assignment with a partner. If you feel that you will be unable to complete this assignment with a partner please contact your teacher to discuss the single student option.

Note: You will need parent/guardian approval.